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Humanitarian aid from the Netherlands continues to come

Seven pallets of humanitarian aid have been collected and provided by the Dutch volunteer Ms. Natasia Boom and her team. The shipment was arranged by Mr. Wil Meulenberg and prepared for departure at the warehouse of Meulenberg Transport. Delivery to Poland was sponsored by Mr. Bert Kip, CEO of Brightlands Chemelot Campus. Final stage of delivery from Poland to Lviv, Ukraine, was provided by Tomalo Trans, Poland free of charge.

Pictures and videos below illustrate the stages of delivery to Lviv, including sorting, local distributing and dispatching the cargo to where it is needed most.

The warehouse in Lviv and local sorting and distributing was provided by Mr. Nazar Galay, with the help of his team and ‘Ukrainian Legion’ volunteers, who then delivered part of this humanitarian aid to the East, to the front lines.

Thank you all our donors and supporters!

Arrived to Lviv, Ukraine with the air raid sirens sound on
Sorted to head East

Humanitarian aid being received at First aid medical center of Lviv’ Central Railway Station

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